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Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Future of the Traditional Classroom in the Wake of eLearning Platforms

Over the last decade, the rise and widespread use of the internet has led to the cannibalization of the traditional classroom by a digital learning space. Several classical classroom settings across the globe have transitioned to digital learning platforms. The most common scenario is one that blends the old classroom concept with a digital component. Often the classroom becomes a place where learners are guided by tutors who are more or less facilitators of how to use digital platforms or simply focus on teaching areas where students have difficulties.
The great news about digital learning platforms today is that some of them integrate the ability for a learner's trajectory to be tracked online. A good example is the moodle learning platform where educators can lodge games, videos tutorials, interactive quizzes, worksheets and more. Each student can subscribe to an e-learning platform and study at their pace. Sometimes there is a possibility for students to learn repetitively for example, there is no limit to how many times students on a platform can watch a video or take an interactive test. However, these platforms could be customized to restrict the number of times students can take a particular exercise. The great news about learning on eLearning platforms is that students can learn at their pace and most often in less threatening environments.
The question that is often posed is whether eLearning is effective and if it could one day replace the traditional classroom? The answer is yes and no. While eLearning has made the teaching/ learning process easier for both teachers and learners, it does not eliminate the role of the teacher. On some learning management systems (LMS) self-learning is punctuated by a tracking system. Tracking systems aggregate the scores of students on every exercise and displays them as students change from one level to another. However, to make this more effective, deadlines can be fixed per exercise, minimum grades determined and certificates can be issued after successful completion of exercises. Although these processes can be automated, it is more effective when tutors oversee student's performances and intervene in their areas of weakness. That is why digital learning cannot completely erase the traditional learning approach.
Some other advantages of the digital classroom stem from the manner in which courses are delivered. The rise of the use of tablet PC's makes it easy to learn on the go. Students can now learn seamlessly in varied contexts. This makes learning at the convenience of students more effective.
Digital learning has gone a long way and there is a lot of progress being made through the creation of new LMS, apps and delivery devices. This will diminish the role of the traditional classroom more and more.
Check out some free e-learning science activities for kids here:
Interactive science games for kids:
This site also has worksheets and articles on different science activities for 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th and 5th grades.
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