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Friday, July 28, 2023

Dr. Lisa Bowleg Named James S. Jackson Memorial Award Winner

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has named applied Social Psychologist Lisa Bowleg, Ph.D., M.A., the 2023 James S. Jackson Memorial Award winner.

from NIMH News Feed

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Technical Assistance Webinar: Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ): Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Clinical Trial Network (U01 Clinical Trial Required)

This technical assistance webinar is for prospective applicants of the Notice of Funding Opportunity: Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia: Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Clinical Trial Network.

from NIMH News Feed

Blocking HIV Enzyme Reduces Infectivity and Slows Viral Rebound

In this NIMH-funded study, researchers developed a compound that blocked an enzyme critical for forming HIV particles, which stopped the virus from correctly forming and becoming infectious.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, July 24, 2023

Violence and the HIV Care Continuum

This meeting will bring together principal investigators and their community partners funded who received research funding to address the role of violence on HIV care and viral suppression. At the meeting, researchers will give an update on study progress and findings to date and, alongside their community partners, will discuss challenges and opportunities for future HIV and violence research.

from NIMH News Feed

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Office for Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity Webinar Series: Advancing Mental Health Disparities Research Focused on Bi+ People Through an Intersectional Lens

In this webinar, researchers will present findings on identifying modifiable targets and mechanisms of action at the individual, family, and systems levels to improve mental health services and inform the development and testing of theory-based interventions that address mental health disparities in bi+ populations.

from NIMH News Feed

Youth Emergency Department Visits for Mental Health Increased During Pandemic

Hospital visits for urgent mental health care increased among children and teens in the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an NIMH-supported study.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, July 17, 2023

Office for Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity Webinar Series: Addressing the Risk for Persistent Effects of Trauma in the Mental Health of Women Across the Lifecourse

This webinar spotlights recent scientific advances in translational, social, behavioral, and intervention research to better understand the sex and gender influences underlying the neurobiology of and advancing improved mental health outcomes for PTSD, depression, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in women.

from NIMH News Feed

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Center for Global Mental Health Research Webinar Series 2023: Human Subjects Protection, Data and Safety Monitoring, and Operational Considerations in NIMH-Funded Clinical Research

This webinar will review key factors for grant applicants to consider when developing plans related to protecting human subjects, as well as data safety and monitoring in clinical research studies funded by NIMH.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, July 10, 2023

NIMH Data Archive (NDA) Populating your Data Expected List Webinar

This instructional webinar is for researchers who have submitted their Data Submissions Agreement (DSA) and are ready to populate their Data Expected list with Data Structures (e.g., measures, surveys, assessments) used for their study's data collection. The webinar covers searching for Data Structures, adding Structures to the Data Expected list, requesting changes to existing Structures, and creating entirely new Data Structures for their Data Expected list.

from NIMH News Feed

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Office for Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity Webinar Series: Creating Equitable and Inclusive Graduate Programs: From Recruitment to Admission to Retention

This webinar will provide an overview of research focused on building equitable STEM graduate programs that promote the admission, recruitment, and retention of diverse populations.

from NIMH News Feed

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