Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Scientific Meeting » Webinar: Understanding and Addressing Trauma and Violence in HIV Prevention and Treatment
from NIMH News Feed
Blog Post » NIH One Step Closer to Speeding Delivery of COVID-19 Testing Technologies to Those Who Need It Most Through RADx-UP
from NIMH News Feed
Friday, June 19, 2020
Blog Post » Racism and Mental Health Research: Steps Toward Equity
from NIMH News Feed
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Science News » Brain Cells Can Harbor and Spread HIV Virus to the Body
from NIMH News Feed
Monday, June 8, 2020
Science News » NIMH Leadership Describes Suicide Prevention Research Priorities
from NIMH News Feed
Prayer for Online Evangelism
The Covid-19 crisis has dramatically changed the digital landscape, as billions of people head online to cope with life and to work under the lockdown. Billions seek meaning, purpose, and identity each day. Please join with the YWAM family this month as we pray for online evangelism. Please pray that the message of God’s love will come through, even to those isolated from any other form of Christian witness.
The growth of the internet and digital technologies have made it possible to reach a vast number of unreached peoples. Whether over the Internet, using YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter or through wi-fi, Bluetooth, apps, and SD card distribution, the work of spreading the Good News to those who have never heard is becoming easier and cheaper. Nearly five billion people use the internet with over 3.8 billion people active social media users.
The numbers are enormous and full of possibilities for evangelism. But how do Christ followers use these technologies for maximum reach and effectiveness? Carol Conkey of YWAM’s Create International notes that digital media works best when produced in the local language and packaged in a “way that a particular people group can hear with understanding, and then pass on with accuracy.”
Create International has been producing evangelistic websites for many years. One time, a conservative Iranian Muslim housewife alone in her home searching for halal recipes came to an evangelistic website. She discovered new revelations and truth from the Prophet Isa al Masih (Jesus). She secretly contacted the website hungry to find out more. The people working on the website sent her a Bible and more insights online. Later someone contacted her to arrange for a coffee-shop meeting.
Many YWAMers have been enhancing their ministry with digital media even before the coronavirus pandemic, and they are doing so even more now. One YWAM team in Cambodia has received national media coverage as a result of their social media posts, and some have come to faith as a result.
Other YWAM ministries have pioneered evangelistic initiatives using a strategy called Media to Movements ( As seekers interact with various levels of engagement the eventual goal is to have direct contact with believers. In one case study in North Africa:
- 70,000 Facebook responses
- 686 Facebook inquiries
- 556 agreed to meet face to face
- 350 met face to face
- 118 became believers
- 48 were baptized
- 7 groups and small churches were started
If you have only a few moments to pray, please pray for continued online evangelism so that all peoples will hear and understand the gospel message in their heart language. Thank you for being part of The Invitation. We would love to receive stories from you regarding how you prayed. If you get involved in evangelistic digital media, please send us links. You can email us at
Prepare to Pray:
Consider some of the people you are connected to through social media. Are there many among them who don’t know Jesus? Bring their faces to mind, think about their lives – their needs, longings and relationships. How do you feel toward them? Compassionate? Yearning? Wishful? What is the nature of God’s longing for them? Sit for a moment in silence, paying attention to the feelings you have become aware of. Hold these feelings before God as a sort of wordless prayer.
“We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God” (Romans 8:26-27).
You are conscious of your desire for your friends to know Jesus, on the one hand, and God’s love for them, on the other. See if you can expand these “wordless groans” to include those in other nations who may never have the opportunity to hear the message of Jesus, except via their access to what Christ-followers post online.
Before you pray, take a moment to read the story of YWAMer Uriah Lyford about how God has used social media to impact the nation of Cambodia.
“In Poipet, Cambodia we have been passionate about using social media to share the gospel for quite some time. I personally began using my Facebook intentionally to reach young Cambodians a couple of years ago and have had several of my posts and videos go viral with millions of views.
“The impact of these videos and posts has been vast and varied. One young man who had seen me on Facebook reached out on Messenger and through relationship became a Christian. Another time after making a video about our base being robbed and how we forgave the thief more than $10,000 in donations came in to replace the things stolen. Posts about our YWAM volunteer work (including crisis food distribution we’ve done during this pandemic) have received national media coverage and we’ve been featured multiple times in the news.
“We rejoice as another person came to the Lord yesterday, this one through our staff responding to messages that come through our YWAM Facebook page. It’s important for people to know that responding to messages is also key, even if it might seem a little strange to chat with a stranger. We need to consider this our new form of street evangelism.
“I want to encourage you that using social media is one of the greatest and easiest ways to share the gospel in this modern age. Pray and ask the Lord for creative ideas of pictures, videos, or other means you could use. Try to think beyond posting a scripture verse or simply saying “God loves you.” How can you present a visual message or story that will connect with people’s current situation? Consider using various platforms. God can use anything: Instagram, TikTok—anything! Please be praying for us here as we continue to do the same.” (See more abut Uriah’s ministry on his blog:
How To Pray – Online Evangelism
- Pray for all of us to have a passion to reach the lost and to use “all possible means” to see many come into the Kingdom. Pray for each of us to find our place using digital media for evangelism.
- Pray for more indigenous and locally produced evangelistic media using locally popular sites and venues.
- Pray for unreached people to respond to the online messages of the Good News. Pray for more workers to be able to follow up and meet those who indicate they want to know more about following Jesus.
- Pray for open doors to be able to meet seekers face to face or to make personal contact to pray and dialogue with those who show genuine interest.
- Pray for Uriah and his team’s social media outreach to Cambodians. Pray for effectiveness of all YWAM evangelistic digital platforms.
- Ask the Lord for direction regarding digital outreach activities for your location.
Take Action:
- Create International has been a pioneer in Internet evangelism. Explore what they are doing and seek God for direction regarding your digital activities:
- Since 1997, Create International has promoted internet evangelism through some of the first web evangelism seminars, evangelistic websites, and sites for free film downloads. See
- Over 700 evangelistic (as well as mobilization/prayer films) are available on the Create International app:
- Evangelistic websites attract the Hindu looking for the sacred light and coming to our Ashram of Light website where he can download his style of music in bhajans, Hindi poetry, and finds out about following Jesus (known as Sadguru Yesus). Or the Buddhist fearful of evil spirits and longing for true peace finds answers through indigenous music videos and animation in their Thai styles on our Facebook sites and evangelistic Lotus of Life website. Workers proficient in Thai are following up inquires on these sites. If you would like to know more about our websites and the URL, contact us at:
- YouTube Downloads: Over the years, millions have received a culturally relevant gospel witness. Over 40,000 visits per month and tens of thousands of downloads. Over six hundred gospel films and 1300 Audio Bibles are free to download on
- Our films share a tailor-made gospel presentation in over 300 languages with over 40,000 views per month.
- Share the films, animations, music videos from on your Facebook or local social media sites in the language of the people in your area.
- Provide ways for seekers to ask questions or discover more about the message presented through online and offline communication (email, messenger, what’s App, signal, etc.).
- Develop relevant and inspirational Facebook posts, Google Ads, or short videos to reach out to seekers.
- Research the languages spoken in your area and find out multi-language resources to reach out to people with their heart language (both oral and written resources).
- Learn more about Media to Movements through free training at
- Download films to your mobile phone to easily share with people you meet through the free Create International app:
- Find out more about disciple making movements and reaching out to unreached peoples through resources and on-line training at
- Check out Create International’s blogs and resources and upcoming online training:
- Please contact Create International for more information on resources mentioned here. Email Carol
- For further reference:
- Share on, post a picture and add a comment about how you prayed.
- Go to; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time/post a picture. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
- Send an email to letting us know how you prayed and what God revealed to you. Please include links to digital media sites that you use.
Thanks to online tools, the body of Christ has the ability to plant churches in every unreached people group with less expenditure of resources than ever. This is one of the greatest moments in the history of the church for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Mark Gauthier, Cru Vice-President
How We Prayed:
May 2020 Coronavirus – Part Two: Global Outreach at a Time of Coronavirus
- YWAM Quilotoa, Ecuador heard clearly from God in Luke 9:13 that it is their responsibility to feed people on the streets. They now provide breakfast every day and there has been no lack and many miracles of provision.
Future Topics:
- July 9: Seeking God
- August 13: Series: Spiritual Principles from YWAM’s Early Days
Fear of God (Ramona Musch) – 4 of 4 in the series - September 10: YWAM’s 60th Anniversary
Don’t Miss The Invitation:
- Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
- Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Indonesian, French, Thai, Hindi or request other languages.)
- Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
- You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
- If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:
from Youth With A Mission
Saturday, June 6, 2020
New YWAM Books on Suffering, Wisdom and Faith
Recently-released YWAM books tell the stories of a shooting in Denver, death threats in Yemen, and lessons about faith in Angola. Consider adding them to your summer (or winter) reading list.
When the Shooting Stopped: Where Is God When We Suffer?
How is it possible that “God is love” when there is so much suffering in the world He created? YWAM Denver Director Peter Warren struggled with that question for over ten years after a young man murdered two of the YWAM Denver staff and wounded others. Peter’s relentless search through the Bible led to this powerful examination of the causes of human suffering and why God is worthy of our trust in all times.
The book begins with the tragic story of the snowy December night when Matthew Murray shot and killed Philip Crouse and Tiffany Johnson and fled with the intent to kill others. Peter had to lead his community through their trauma and pain to a place of healing and forgiveness.
During that time, the YWAM Denver community faced the questions we all have when tragedy strikes. Why do bad things happen to good people? Where is God amid our suffering? Why didn’t He prevent this from happening? With profound insight, Peter helps us understand the father heart of God as it relates to these and other questions about His character.
Former YWAM President John Dawson says, “Keep this book near you for the rest of your life. From suffering has come a deep exploration of its mysteries. Through these pages we are led to a place of comfort, but there are no shortcuts. This is a story that rings true; the illumination we need in this present darkness.”
Sunrise in the Valley of Death: God’s Love and Transformation in Yemen
Amiira Ann and her husband, Chris, responded to the prompting of God to move from Germany to Yemen, one of the most thoroughly Muslim cultures on earth. With a commitment to model the love of Jesus while doing relief and development among the poor, they moved into a world of constant danger.
One death threat said, “Ever since you started Christianizing Muslims, you have walked a dangerous path! Today we burned your car and part of your house. Tomorrow we will surely burn you and your family!”
Despite the danger, Amiira Ann and her family lived in Yemen for seven years. As they integrated themselves deeply into the culture, their hearts were forever knit together with the Yemeni people. In this book, which is part of YWAM Publishing’s International Adventures series, Amiira Ann takes readers on a rare and personal journey into Muslim life in Yemen after 9/11.
Through friendships they cultivated and their faithful aid and development work, the family left behind a credible witness for Christ in a war-torn and impoverished country.
The Way of Faith: Thriving in your Walk with God
Author Jim Stier knows well the way of faith. By faith he overcame childhood struggles and physical disability to become a missionary pioneer for Youth With A Mission in Brazil and Angola.
In this new book, Jim says of his walk of faith, “How could there ever be a more fascinating journey than to explore the universe that God’s gift of faith opened to me? I’m not engaged in a dutiful, dreadful grind of moral performance, undertaken to escape hell. I’m lovingly exploring with Him the endless possibilities for love, beauty, meaning, and wonder. I’m coming out from the shadows of religious obligation to walk in the freedom that only His life in me can accomplish.”
In an account both personal and instructive, this former president of YWAM offers a fresh perspective on a familiar theme. Weaving together his own story with the true story of an Angolan believer caught in civil war, this book will open your eyes to the dynamic, joy-filled reality of being a child adopted into God’s family.
Wisdom: The Way to Human Flourishing
This author is one of YWAM’s most influential teachers on biblical worldview, culture, and outreach to the poor. In this new book he poses this idea, “Imagine a world where there is no poverty, only flourishing, a world where everyone is wise, and no one is foolish.”
Darrow believes the way to this abundant life is the pursuit of godly wisdom. In this book he points out that God created the universe in wisdom, and in wisdom God sustains and fulfills it; that the book of Proverbs creates the bridge between all people who want their lives to flourish; that foolishness and poverty result when individuals and societies reject God’s ancient wisdom and thus fail to apply this important virtue for human well-being.
Wisdom, the Way to Human Flourishing is an invitation to readers to discover the unique purposes for which they were made. It also helps readers connect their stories to God’s larger purposes in their family lives, communities, businesses, ministries and in the nations.
Darrow L. Miller is co-founder of the Disciple Nations Alliance and a former vice-president of Food for the Hungry.
from Youth With A Mission
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Science News » NIMH Director’s Statement on Racism
from NIMH News Feed
Video » Responding to the Alarm: Addressing Black Youth Suicide
from NIMH News Feed