Latest News

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Scientific Meeting » NIMH Livestream Event: Managing Stress and Anxiety

NIMH is hosting a livestream event on managing stress and anxiety during the pandemic with NIMH expert Dr. Krystal Lewis on Thursday, January 14, 2021.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, December 21, 2020

Video » The NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series: Pursuing an Innovation Agenda: A New Healthcare Architecture

In this talk, Dr. Richman explored how the healthcare sector can transform into a more affordable and sustainable part of the American economy. Central to any meaningful healthcare reform is a reorganization of healthcare delivery and pursuing a new architecture for the health sector.

from NIMH News Feed

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Scientific Meeting » The NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series: Diagnosing Resilience: A Multisystemic Model for Positive Development in Stressed Environments

On January 14, 2021, Michael Ungar, Ph.D., founder and director of the Resilience Research Centre and Canada Research Chair in Child, Family and Community Resilience at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, will be the guest speaker in the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Director’s Innovation Speaker Series, which focuses on innovation, invention, and scientific discovery.

from NIMH News Feed

Fragrance of Faith – Documentary series on YWAM

Fragrance of Faith is a five-part documentary series of authentic stories from heroes of faith. You will hear from YWAMers who recounts journeys of obedience, faith, and perseverance in both their successes and their trials. 

In this first episode, we will discover true stories of missionaries such as Loren Cunningham who responded to a call from God, and saw supernatural provision and multiplication. 

But who are these missionaries traveling the world? What are their motivations? While sometimes misunderstood, their courage and compassion are impacting nations and transforming lives. 

Over the five episodes, you’ll hear from more than 40 people who make an impact in different spheres of society, such as: art, mission, government, business, medical care or family. 

Filmed on different continents. We will discover the impact missionaries have on society and nations. 

Please register, get it for free, share it with YWAM staff, students, friends, churches and supporters. This is an overall call and advocacy tool for Mission, training, support raising and our Christmas present to Jesus and our YWAM family. 

Merry Christmas

Suscribe. Watch for free. Happy Christmas.

The post Fragrance of Faith – Documentary series on YWAM appeared first on Youth With A Mission.

from Youth With A Mission

Monday, December 7, 2020

Pray for the Care of Creation

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you!

Care For Creation Photo credit: Barbara Ruegger

As we end this year 2020, YWAM invites you to join with us in prayer for creation. Creation care is not a reaction to the environmental problems we see around us but an act of worship. It is our God-given responsibility to steward all of creation including every living thing that dwells with us on earth. Part of our call to discipleship is therefore to disciple the communities around us to care for God’s creation too

Listen to the Letter

A lack of care for creation affects the poor directly. Often it is the poor and marginalized who are most affected by the degradation of creation. They are dependent on the land for survival: for fuel, water and food. Their plants and animals are dependent on the environment around them to survive. For example, YWAM Zimbabwe is helping villagers who stuggle to irrigate their crops because of deforestation (see the three-minute video). We cannot care for the poor without caring for creation.

Our work brings hope and dignity to communities in Africa and Asia by training leaders to find their own solutions to poverty.

Dave and Ali Swann

God created a world that is diverse and yet connected. Our welfare is tied to the welfare of the plants and animals–God’s provision–so that all of creation will flourish and reflect His glory.

Please join YWAM’s global prayer day, called The Invitation, on December 10 to pray with us about God’s creation. If that isn’t the best day for you or your community, please choose another day that works better. If you only have a few minutes to pray, please pray for God to guide each of us to be a good steward of the resources He has given us on this planet. If you have children, please ask them to join you in this prayer. And for this month we have a very special opportunity for you to join in prayer through a Zoom call with the people who provided the content for The Invitation this month: December 10th at 16:00 hours European Central Time.  Join Zoom Meeting

Photo credit: Dave and Ali Swann

Prepare to Pray:

Begin by meditating on Psalm 104. Contemplating creation draws us into awe and worship.

Also, consider doing one or more of these activities. If you have children present, ask them to join you. In this edition we have specifically included children by adding kid-focused activities to some of the prayer points. We think it is important to include the children because how we care for creation has a great impact on their future.

  • Go for a walk and praise God for what you see.
  • Bring some of God’s creation into your prayer room: leaves from trees, flowers, or specially formed stones. While praying and praising God for His creation you can hold those things.
  • For kids: Have children draw their favorite animal and let them have a time of thanksgiving for all the different animals God created. Follow this with a time of prayer for safety and protection of these creatures (Rom 8:19-22).
  • Prepare to plant a seed or a flower. You could either prepare the ground outside or put soil into a pot. Once the soil is prepared, if possible, let each participant hold in their hands one of the unplanted flowers, bulbs or flower seeds.
  • Then consider using the call-and-response reading that you will find at the end of this letter.
  • Finally, plant the flower or seed or hold in your hand one of the objects you’ve gathered and pray this prayer. from Every Moment Holy, by Douglas McKelvey.

“Help us, O creator God, to see the world as your sanctuary shimmering with your sacred presence. Inspire us to protect this living cathedral in all the ways needed to support its flourishing.”

Solar Panels Photo credit: Dave and Ali Swann

Pray for Creation:

  • Pray for Christians to be united in caring for this planet despite any differences.
    • For kids: stand in a circle and all hold hands to make your unity real.
  • Pray for the marginalized. They are most vulnerable in a suffering world. Pray for fishermen affected by pollution, farmers affected by deforestation or drought, villagers suffering from contaminated water.
  • Pray for the political decision makers, businesses and banks to seriously consider the impact of their decisions on creation.
    • For kids: Make a banner expressing what you would like to say about creation and have a prayer march. You can later decorate your room with the banners.
  • Pray for YWAM locations:
    • For God to give us His creativity to be able to improve the way we do things so that we can practically demonstrate our care for creation.
    • For our locations to be places of hope and trust in God’s faithfulness.
    • That the communities around us will see the beneficial consequences of our actions and want to follow our example.
  • For YWAM ministries that help the poor by improving their environment. These ministries include: planting trees; demonstrating sustainable farming techniques; digging wells to give clean water; developing biogas technologies; or teaching aquaponics.
Great Green Wall Initiative
  • Pray for a YWAMer in Chad who is working with local authorities to begin a Planting 2021 project which will contribute to the Great Green Wall initiative across northern Africa. The trees planted through this initiative have reduced desertification, have provided more water in dried-up wells, and even have improved school attendance. Learn more through this BBC summary
  • For YWAM training programs like the School of Sustainable Development in Costa Rica to be developed to educate YWAM workers and to equip people in communities.
Photo credit: Climate Impact News

Take Action

  • Start small at home: avoid any food waste, learn to make new meals with leftovers or dry bread etc. Consider how much (hot) water we use. How long should my shower be? Turn off excess or unnecessary lights, use LED lightbulbs, etc.
  • Reflect on biblical beliefs and values regarding creation using this PowerPoint developed by Dave and Ali Swann of YWAM Burtigny, Switzerland:
  • Brainstorm together: what creative sustainable solutions or projects could your group or YWAM location adopt? For example: recycling, use of plastics, vegetable gardens, reducing travel, using different travel methods, composting, etc. Ask yourself or your community these questions:
    • What attention are we giving to the questions of creation care?
    • How would we rate our biblical awareness on these topics? How much Bible study and prayer do we devote to creation care?
    • How is this reflected in our community lifestyle?
    • What seminars, courses, schools could we attend or run on these topics?
    • How can we demonstrate care for creation as part of our discipleship to the communities around our locations?
  • Activities for children:
  • Here is a presentation of the School of Sustainable Development (SSD) from YWAM Heredia, Costa Rica. As you watch, think of the ways your location could care for creation.
  • Planting trees on our properties and in our locations is fun! YWAM has several tree planting initiatives that can inspire us. Watch this video that explains how planting trees can help people:
  • If you want more ideas or have questions please contact YWAM’s University of the Nations Science and Technology department:
  • Calculate your carbon footprint:
  • Review Relevant Resources:
    • Movies and video:
      • For an overview of what people can do to care for creation, watch this video from Katherine Hayhoe, USA Evangelical Alliance:
  • Watch this video, directed at Christians:
    • Brave Blue World (Netflix) shows different ways to save, preserve water and help with sanitation.
    • David Attenborough’s “A Life On Our Planet” movie
North Pacific Gyre
North Atlantic Garbage Patch The Size of Texas Photo credit (left to right, top to bottom): Wikipedia, International Marine Consultancy, JP Viser

How We Prayed – November 2020 – Haiti

  • YWAM Vancouver prayed for the church and the country overall. They sensed God giving them the following scripture: John 8:32, John 17:17, John 14:6 and Matthew 7:24-27. YWAM Vancouver stated “it was a pleasure to pray for Haiti.”
  • People in Switzerland reported that the Lord put on their hearts to send a gift to YWAM Haiti after praying.

Future Topics:

  • January 14: Buddhism

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

Responsive Reading

As you prepare to pray, take part in reading aloud the following prayer, which is written in the form of call-and-response. You may wish to copy the text of the prayer into a PowerPoint ahead of time, to make it easier to join in this shared practice. Appoint a reader to start and then have the remainder of the community join in the shared response:

Reader: In a world shadowed by cruelty, violence and loss, is there good reason for the planting of flowers?

Response: Ah yes! For these bursts of color and beautiful blooms are bright dabs of grace, witnesses to a promise, reminders of a spreading beauty more eternal, and therefore stronger, than any evil, than any grief, than any injustice or violence.

Reader: What is the source of their beauty? From whence does it spring?

Response: The forms of these flowers are the intentional designs of a Creator who has not abandoned His broken and rebellious creation, but has instead wholly given Himself to the work of redeeming it. He has scattered the evidences of creation’s former glories across the entire scape of heaven and earth, and these evidences are also foretastes of the coming redemption of all things, that those who lie in this hard time between glories might see and remember, might see and take heart, might see and take delight in the extravagant beauty of bud and bloom, knowing that these living witnesses are rumors and reminders of a joy that will soon swallow all sorrow.

Reader: In the planting of these flowers, do we join the Creator in his work of heralding this impending joy?

Response: Yes. In this and in all labors of beauty and harmony, praise and conciliation, we become God’s coworkers and faithful citizens in His kingdom, by acts both small and great, bearing witness to the perfect beauty that was, to the ragged splendor that yet is, and to the hope of the greater glory that is yet to come, which is the immeasurable glory of God revealed to us, in the redeemed nature of all things.

[Note: Prayers in this section have been adapted from Every Moment Holy by Douglas McKelvey, and from Abbey of the Arts by Christine Valters Paintner.]

The post Pray for the Care of Creation appeared first on Youth With A Mission.

from Youth With A Mission

Monday, November 30, 2020

Video » NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series: Decision-Making and Computational Psychiatry

On November 12, Dr. Martin Paulus, Scientific Director and President of the Laureate Institute for Brain Research in Tulsa, Oklahoma, will be the guest speaker in the NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series, which focuses on innovation, invention, and scientific discovery.

from NIMH News Feed

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Blog Post » The Lives Lost to COVID-19

In this Director’s message, Dr. Gordon shares a personal perspective on the importance of remembering the individual lives that have been lost to COVID-19.

from NIMH News Feed

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Scientific Meeting » The NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series: Pursuing an Innovation Agenda: A New Healthcare Architecture

Attend this virtual seminar to hear from Barak Richman, Ph.D., J.D., about how the healthcare sector can transform into a more affordable and sustainable part of the American economy.

from NIMH News Feed

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Pray for Haiti

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you!

Land of Many Beautiful Mountains and People Photo credits (from left to right): YWAM Port au Prince, YWAM Soccer Ministry

Once known as the “Pearl of the Antilles” because of its resources and natural beauty, Haiti is now noted as the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. In its earliest colonial days Haiti was a leader in the production of sugar, coffee, indigo, cacao, and cotton. Haiti has also been called the land of many beautiful mountains and people. Today, Haiti is marked by political instability and corruption, civil unrest, crime, and extreme poverty. Of the 11.4 million people who live in Haiti, it is estimated that in 2019 the average Haitian lived on $2.18 per day (

YWAM has had a presence for 34 years in Haiti. Today we have locations in Port au Prince, Saint Marc, Les Cayes, The Cap-Haitian, and Port de Paix (new next year).

Listen to the Letter

Please join us for YWAM’s prayer day called The Invitation as we pray for Haiti. If you only have a few moments to pray, ask God to redeem the people of Haiti through a moving of the Holy Spirit and through personal relationships with Christ. Pray for the removal of systemic evils holding back this nation.

Haiti Photo credit:

Prepare to Pray:

Note what comes to mind when you think about Haiti. Jot down words that you think of.

Now think about God and the Haitian people. Refer to the quote below. Make notes about how God sees the people and how He might describe them.

Optional: Do a search for images of Haiti and scroll through the pictures before you pray. You could also find pictures of Haitian people and print them/cut them out. Make a collage to use during this time of prayer.

Enter into your time of prayer thinking about the Haitian people as you believe God would.

The landscape of Haiti is nature showing off her beauty and the people of Haiti is God showing off her beautiful image to the world.

Professor James Small of the World African Diaspora Union

Prayer Time at YWAM Saint Marc Photo credit: YWAM Saint Marc

Pray for Haiti:

  • Ask God to redeem the people of Haiti through a moving of the Holy Spirit and through personal relationships with Christ. Pray for a revival.
  • Pray for those who call themselves “Christian” to turn away from ungodly practices such as voodoo.
  • Pray for the removal of systemic evils holding back this nation.
  • Pray for families as they are suffering the most. Unrest keeps people from earning what little they can.
  • Pray for schools as they try to open and educate through the violence.
  • Pray for a light to shine in corrupt areas in the country. Haiti has been reeling from civil unrest for two years now and it has greatly impacted the average Haitian family. The unrest is primarily due to corrupt government and businesses in operation. Pray for godly leaders in government and businesses.
  • Pray for wisdom for YWAMers and Haitian leaders as Haiti navigates this season of Covid. Many Haitians are unable to quarantine because of the need to work, and many don’t have a living situation that allows them to distance themselves effectively.
  • Pray for political stability as Haiti has been in some sort of political unrest since 2018. There is opposition to the current president and the opposition is well funded. At its worst, the unrest caused people to be stuck in their homes, unable to travel, because paid thugs would seize control of the main highway. This has led to inability of goods to be distributed out of the capital, causing extreme price increases.
  • Pray for acceptance within the church of young people. One of the focuses within YWAM is the younger generation and their desire for self-expression (clothes, hair, etc.) but the inability to be active in the church. Pray for the churches to allow the youth to be accepted as they are.
  • Pray for our YWAM family as there is a great struggle financially to work through these times. No outreach teams can be received due to travel warnings. Pray for finances to meet minimum monthly operating expenses for all YWAM operations. Pray for creativity and wisdom as the YWAMers work to raise funds and for God to bring people who are willing to be active partners with the YWAM workers in the country.
  • The YWAM locations have had to be flexible as a result of Covid. Pray for wisdom and creativity as the leaders strategize. Pray for unity and lasting friendships between the people at the various locations. Pray for effective ramp-ups as new ministries and strategies are implemented. Pray for patience.
  • Pray for strong foundations for the YWAM locations and ministries so that they will last for many, many years into the future. Pray for strong relationships among the staff that will lead to strong culture at each YWAM location.

Photo credit: YWAM Cap-Haiti

Take Action

  • Contact a YWAM location in Haiti and ask them how you/your location can support them.
  • Seek God to give you an amount that He wants you to provide to a YWAM location/worker in Haiti. Pray for God to provide that amount. Pray for that amount until it is provided. Ask others to do the same.
  • Check out YWAM Kona’s new recording “The Commission.” Share it with others so that the sound of “GO” is sung around the world: won’t stop til the whole world knows!
  • Share on, post a picture and add a comment about how you prayed.
  • Go to; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time/post a picture. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • Send an email to letting us know how you prayed and what God revealed to you.

Photo credit: YWAM Port de Paix

How We Prayed – October 2020 – YWAM’s 60th

  • YWAM Worcester, South Africa told us they prayed for YWAM’s 60th anniversary.

Future Topics:

  • December 10: Care for Creation
  • January 14: Buddhism

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

The post Pray for Haiti appeared first on Youth With A Mission.

from Youth With A Mission

Pray for Haiti

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you!

Land of Many Beautiful Mountains and People Photo credits (from left to right): YWAM Port au Prince, YWAM Soccer Ministry

Once known as the “Pearl of the Antilles” because of its resources and natural beauty, Haiti is now noted as the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. In its earliest colonial days Haiti was a leader in the production of sugar, coffee, indigo, cacao, and cotton. Haiti has also been called the land of many beautiful mountains and people. Today, Haiti is marked by political instability and corruption, civil unrest, crime, and extreme poverty. Of the 11.4 million people who live in Haiti, it is estimated that in 2019 the average Haitian lived on $2.18 per day (

YWAM has had a presence for 34 years in Haiti. Today we have locations in Port au Prince, Saint Marc, Les Cayes, The Cap-Haitian, and Port de Paix (new next year).

Listen to the Letter

Please join us for YWAM’s prayer day called The Invitation as we pray for Haiti. If you only have a few moments to pray, ask God to redeem the people of Haiti through a moving of the Holy Spirit and through personal relationships with Christ. Pray for the removal of systemic evils holding back this nation.

Haiti Photo credit:

Prepare to Pray:

Note what comes to mind when you think about Haiti. Jot down words that you think of.

Now think about God and the Haitian people. Refer to the quote below. Make notes about how God sees the people and how He might describe them.

Optional: Do a search for images of Haiti and scroll through the pictures before you pray. You could also find pictures of Haitian people and print them/cut them out. Make a collage to use during this time of prayer.

Enter into your time of prayer thinking about the Haitian people as you believe God would.

The landscape of Haiti is nature showing off her beauty and the people of Haiti is God showing off her beautiful image to the world.

Professor James Small of the World African Diaspora Union

Prayer Time at YWAM Saint Marc Photo credit: YWAM Saint Marc

Pray for Haiti:

  • Ask God to redeem the people of Haiti through a moving of the Holy Spirit and through personal relationships with Christ. Pray for a revival.
  • Pray for those who call themselves “Christian” to turn away from ungodly practices such as voodoo.
  • Pray for the removal of systemic evils holding back this nation.
  • Pray for families as they are suffering the most. Unrest keeps people from earning what little they can.
  • Pray for schools as they try to open and educate through the violence.
  • Pray for a light to shine in corrupt areas in the country. Haiti has been reeling from civil unrest for two years now and it has greatly impacted the average Haitian family. The unrest is primarily due to corrupt government and businesses in operation. Pray for godly leaders in government and businesses.
  • Pray for wisdom for YWAMers and Haitian leaders as Haiti navigates this season of Covid. Many Haitians are unable to quarantine because of the need to work, and many don’t have a living situation that allows them to distance themselves effectively.
  • Pray for political stability as Haiti has been in some sort of political unrest since 2018. There is opposition to the current president and the opposition is well funded. At its worst, the unrest caused people to be stuck in their homes, unable to travel, because paid thugs would seize control of the main highway. This has led to inability of goods to be distributed out of the capital, causing extreme price increases.
  • Pray for acceptance within the church of young people. One of the focuses within YWAM is the younger generation and their desire for self-expression (clothes, hair, etc.) but the inability to be active in the church. Pray for the churches to allow the youth to be accepted as they are.
  • Pray for our YWAM family as there is a great struggle financially to work through these times. No outreach teams can be received due to travel warnings. Pray for finances to meet minimum monthly operating expenses for all YWAM operations. Pray for creativity and wisdom as the YWAMers work to raise funds and for God to bring people who are willing to be active partners with the YWAM workers in the country.
  • The YWAM locations have had to be flexible as a result of Covid. Pray for wisdom and creativity as the leaders strategize. Pray for unity and lasting friendships between the people at the various locations. Pray for effective ramp-ups as new ministries and strategies are implemented. Pray for patience.
  • Pray for strong foundations for the YWAM locations and ministries so that they will last for many, many years into the future. Pray for strong relationships among the staff that will lead to strong culture at each YWAM location.

Photo credit: YWAM Cap-Haiti

Take Action

  • Contact a YWAM location in Haiti and ask them how you/your location can support them.
  • Seek God to give you an amount that He wants you to provide to a YWAM location/worker in Haiti. Pray for God to provide that amount. Pray for that amount until it is provided. Ask others to do the same.
  • Check out YWAM Kona’s new recording “The Commission.” Share it with others so that the sound of “GO” is sung around the world: won’t stop til the whole world knows!
  • Share on, post a picture and add a comment about how you prayed.
  • Go to; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time/post a picture. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • Send an email to letting us know how you prayed and what God revealed to you.

Photo credit: YWAM Port de Paix

How We Prayed – October 2020 – YWAM’s 60th

  • YWAM Worcester, South Africa told us they prayed for YWAM’s 60th anniversary.

Future Topics:

  • December 10: Care for Creation
  • January 14: Buddhism

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

The post Pray for Haiti appeared first on Youth With A Mission.

from Youth With A Mission

Friday, November 6, 2020

YWAM 60th Anniversary online celebration

Below is an invitation from Loren and Darlene to the Y 60th Anniversary online celebration.

Dear YWAM Family,

Wow! It’s hard to believe that YWAM is 60 years old! As I have been writing my book Values Matter – Stories of the Beliefs & Values that Shaped Youth With A Mission, Loren and I have been recalling many of the stories of our early days, and it seems like they happened just yesterday. We rejoice as we reflect on God’s past faithfulness. But we don’t stop there! We look forward with great anticipation for all that He still has in His heart to do through Youth With A Mission – through both you and me! What a privilege to walk into the future with this amazing God we are privileged to know, love and serve!

Please join us online as we celebrate YWAM’s 60th anniversary, November 30 through December 4, 2020! We would like to invite you, your location and the entire YWAM global family to register here:

The theme is: “Until the Whole World Knows!” As you can imagine, Loren will sound a rallying cry to End Bible Poverty Now! Since 2003 Loren has been declaring that 2020 would be a year of great breakthrough for Bible engagement. We believe that – in spite of the global pandemic – great strides have been taken to realize the dream of ZERO Bibleless languages. But there is still more to be done! Together we will celebrate the victories won and prepare to complete the unfinished task – Until the Whole World Knows!

Together we will consider many other inspiring ways in which we can complete our call to know God and make Him known. I’m excited that during our 60th celebration we’ll be able to launch my book. It is currently being translated into 42 languages in preparation for this worldwide digital launch. I’ve written it thinking about the future, keeping the youngest YWAM’er and future generations in mind, to help us stay “mission true” as we reach out to the whole world.

Don’t miss this historic event – join us in celebrating God’s faithfulness and YWAM’s 60th Anniversary! Connect with your hearts prepared to receive from the Lord. It is when we gather together in faith – even virtually – that God shares with us the dreams and visions He has for the future!

Thank you for being a co-worker together with us in the call of God!

Darlene & Loren

‘For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea’.

Habakkuk 2:14

The post YWAM 60th Anniversary online celebration appeared first on Youth With A Mission.

from Youth With A Mission

Friday, October 30, 2020

Blog Post » Accelerating Science to Advance Early Interventions for Schizophrenia

In this message, Dr. Gordon highlights a new public-private partnership that aims to develop novel treatment approaches that will make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals at risk of schizophrenia.

from NIMH News Feed

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Video » NIMH Expert Dr. Mary Rooney Discusses Managing ADHD

On October 21, 2020, NIMH expert Dr. Mary Rooney discussed managing ADHD in children and adolescents during a livestream event for ADHD Awareness Month.

from NIMH News Feed

Science News » NIMH’s Carlos Zarate Jr., M.D., Elected to National Academy of Medicine

Carlos Zarate Jr., M.D., chief of the Experimental Therapeutics and Pathophysiology Branch within the NIMH Intramural Research Program, has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine.

from NIMH News Feed

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Scientific Meeting » NIMH 2020 Symposium: Advancing Technologies to Investigate Mechanisms of Gut-Microbiota-Brain Interaction

On October 23, NIMH is bringing together experts in basic and translational gut-microbiota and brain research for an online workshop on advancing technologies to investigate mechanisms of gut-microbiota-brain interaction.

from NIMH News Feed

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Scientific Meeting » NIMH Livestream Event: Managing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents

In recognition of ADHD Awareness Month, NIMH will host a livestream event on October 21, 2020, from 1:00 - 1:30 p.m. ET, to discuss signs, symptoms, treatments, current research, and tips for helping children and adolescents manage ADHD during the pandemic.

from NIMH News Feed

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

YWAM’S 60th

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you!

First YWAM Crusade – Samoa – 1965

This year is YWAM’s 60th year and we are celebrating! Please join us this month for YWAM’s prayer day, called The Invitation, on Thursday, October 8.

Listen to the letter

Our story started when God spoke to Loren Cunningham, YWAM Co-Founder, through a vision of waves of young people going to the nations. We are some of those young people. Our lives have been changed because of how God met Loren in the late 1950s and then led Loren and Darlene Cunningham to start YWAM. As we reflect back on God speaking to Loren as He did, we realize that moment has significant parallels to other moments throughout history, moments when God stepped in to share His heart and His purposes for the world. Indeed, we have come to realize that the vision Loren saw, this unexpected encounter, was a God-initiated, destiny-defining, foundational covenant from God to birth a new missions movement.

If you only have a few moments to pray thank God for His works He has done through YWAM.

And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men. And immediately they left their nets and followed him. Mark 1: 17-18

A special note about The Invitation: This month also marks the five-year anniversary of The Invitation. We thank all who have made this possible through participating in prayer, gathering others to pray, providing prayer information, translating content, and giving leadership and administrative help. If you have any feedback or suggestions for us please send an email to Let us know: Do you use the “Prepare to Pray” section? What do you like best about The Invitation? What would you like to see improved?

Prepare to Pray:

As a group or individually, ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of all there is to celebrate with YWAM’s 60th anniversary. After an appropriate time make a list of all that God revealed to you. What did He reveal? People? Ministries? Events? Nations? Redemption? Salvation? Grace? Mercy?

Take time to celebrate and be full of gratitude for what God has initiated and brought to pass over these past 60 years.

Far East Evangelism Team – Outreach to Refugee Camp
Hong Kong, 1980

Pray for YWAM:

  • Thank God for His faithful and gracious leadership during these 60 years of YWAM.
  • Thank God also for sustaining Loren and Darlene Cunningham and other leaders who have stepped out in obedience and been faithful to God’s vision.
  • Thank God for those who have faithfully prayed, supported, and invested financially in YWAM and YWAMers in any way through these 60 years. Pray that they would be blessed, encouraged, and strengthened in their faith.
  • Thank God that within a generation millions of young people have had their lives touched by God because of this vision of the waves.
  • Express gratitude to God for each of the ways He has blessed you personally through YWAM.
  • Pray for God to speak to young people all over the world like He spoke to Loren about going into all the world.
  • Pray that YWAM would continue to be a bridge for millions of young people to be involved as missionaries.
  • Pray for YWAMers all over the world to continue to be faithful to God and to walk in obedience, faith, humility, and courage in this decade ahead.
YWAM’s Four Legacy Words
Photo credit: David Cole

Take Action

  • Contact those who have invested in prayer, friendship and financially supported you over the time you have been part of YWAM and encourage them and bless them in the way God shows you.
  • Plan and host an online or in-person celebration for YWAM’s 60th according to your current situation.
  • Check out the newly revised website. On the menu, pick the “For YWAMers” option and familiarize yourself with the YWAM Vision, Values, Covenants and Legacy Words.
  • Read/re-read Is That Really You, God? by Loren Cunningham with Janice Rogers, YWAM Publishing.
  • Share on, post a picture and add a comment about how you prayed.
  • Go to; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time/post a picture. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • Send an email to letting us know how you prayed and what God revealed to you.

How We Prayed – September 2020 – YWAM’s Global Prayer Initiative

  • As many as 4,000 YWAM leaders and locations (missionaries holding 220 different types of passports) connected face to face and online around the four themes of Remember, Repent, Realign and Release. Many fasted and prayed at different times throughout the month.
  • John Dawson, one of YWAM’s elders, reflected on Psalm 81 and the story of Gideon. He also noted “There is intense groaning in the earth. In this season I am reminded that our real calling deeper than the healing of the nations. It is healing the heart of God.”
  • Several young YWAM leaders have noted that coronavirus could be a defining moment for their generation. Many had expected significant breakthroughs before the pandemic but now see “breakthrough” in a different light.
  • Received from the mother of a young woman that completed a YWAM DTS several years ago: “My daughter was rebelling from the truth and our family when she applied to do her DTS. Halfway through the DTS my husband received a phone call asking for forgiveness! Her chains had been broken and we see the fruits in her life now. Thank you Lord and thank you YWAM!”
  • Another was given Ezra 9 to study and pray. And prayed: “Let us truly break our spiritual pride to hear what the Spirit is really saying to the churches today and resist the devil in all his various schemes at every turn.”
  • And another was given 2 Corinthians 1:10-11 to share with the YWAM family.
  • A YWAM leader noted that God has put it on his heart to pray for revival for Cambodia more than ever before.

Future Topics:

  • November 12: Haiti
  • December 10: Care for Creation
  • January 14: Buddhism

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

The post YWAM’S 60th appeared first on Youth With A Mission.

from Youth With A Mission

Friday, October 2, 2020

Video » NIMH Experts Discuss Suicide Prevention Strategies

In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, NIMH conducted a livestream event on September 23, 2020, to discuss the latest in suicide prevention research, including ways to identify risk, and effective prevention strategies.

from NIMH News Feed

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Scientific Meeting » The NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series: Decision-Making and Computational Psychiatry: An Explanatory and Pragmatic Perspective

On April 7, Dr. Martin Paulus, Scientific Director and President of the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) in Tulsa, Oklahoma, will be the guest speaker in the NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series, which focuses on innovation, invention, and scientific discovery.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, September 28, 2020

Science News » NIH-funded Study Sheds Light on Abnormal Neural Function in Rare Genetic Disorder

A genetic study has identified neuronal abnormalities in the electrical activity of cortical cells derived from people with a rare genetic disorder called 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.

from NIMH News Feed

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Blog Post » Addressing the Crisis of Black Youth Suicide

In this message for National Suicide Prevention Month, Dr. Gordon describes NIMH’s efforts to address the rising rates of suicide in the U.S. among Black youth.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, September 21, 2020

Video » HIV-Related Intersectional Stigma Research Advances and Opportunities Workshop (Virtual)

On July 13, the National Institute of Mental Health held a virtual meeting to help promote HIV prevention and treatment science, as well as inform the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative (EHE) and HIV efforts worldwide through furthering HIV-related intersectional stigma and discrimination research advances and opportunities.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, September 14, 2020

Scientific Meeting » Virtual Workshop: Genes to Biology: Integrative Systematic Approaches for Revealing Biological Functions of Psychiatric Risk Genes and Alleles

The purpose of this workshop is to stimulate discussions among experts to identify systematic experimental approaches to gain comprehensive insights into psychiatric disease mechanisms based on human genetic findings.

from NIMH News Feed

Friday, September 11, 2020

Blog Post » RDoC at Ten Years - Part 2: The Next Ten Years

In a previous message, Dr. Gordon discussed how the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework has changed the conversation in mental health research since its initiation in 2010. In this message, he looks forward to the next ten years of RDoC.

from NIMH News Feed

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

YWAM’s Global Prayer Initiative (GPI)

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you!

The Founders’ Circle and other senior elders in YWAM have sensed an urgency to call YWAM to a Global Prayer Initiative for the whole month of September. This will be launched September 1-3 with YWAM elders/leaders and their networks across the world participating. Throughout September everyone in the YWAM family and friends are invited to join in unity together in this initiative.Audio Player00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.

In line with this, we would like to dedicate our regular monthly prayer, The Invitation, on September 10 to this focus.

For personal preparation, pray that all of us in YWAM would remember our assignment in intercessory prayer for the nations and we would be a people who uphold God’s unchanging character. Pray also that we would examine our foundational vision, values, covenants and legacy words and realign where there has been drift, and from this time of prayer there would be a new empowering of God’s Spirit.

Photo credits (from left to right):, YWAM Dunham

During this time to seek God we want to pray on behalf of the nations we are in and to pray for our calling as a missionary movement in preparation for a renewed commissioning and anointing to be His agents of hope. In the days ahead we propose that we focus our prayer around four themes: Remember, Repent, Realign, and Release.

Listen to the letter

If you have a longer time to pray, or if you are praying with a group, please see below how you can pray deeply around these four themes.

Thank you for being part of The Invitation. We would love to receive stories from you regarding how you prayed. You can email us at

Photo credit:

Prepare to Pray:

As you gather to pray, or as you prepare to pray on your own, take a moment to begin by listening to this three-minute video from one of YWAM’s elders, John Dawson, as he explains how to enter into this prayer time:

As a further exercise to help you begin this prayer time, read Daniel 9:18-23. Then listen as John Dawson draws out prayer principles about bringing to God the needs of a time and a people, asking for God’s mercy, and the power of a humble prayer (a seven-minute video):

O my God, incline your ear and hear. Open your eyes and see our desolation, and the city that is called by your name. For we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, pay attention and act. Delay not, for your own sake, O my God, because your city and your people are called by your name.”

Daniel 9:18-23 (ESV)

Pray for YWAM:

We trust the Holy Spirit to lead and direct you sovereignly in your location/ministry/team/sphere. By God’s grace, we are spread throughout the nations, in every kind of context. Let us make ourselves available to see, hear and feel as God does at this time.

We expect that the themes of repent, remember, realign and release will emerge in a cyclical way as the Spirit leads.

Please don’t rush through these themes. Be prepared to set other times aside to continue as needed.


As members of the Body of Christ called to serve in a specific place (village, city, nation or sphere), listen to the heart/groans of the Spirit. Listen for an invitation to identify with the suffering and respond in lament (2 Chronicles 7:14-16, Nehemiah 1 and 9, Romans 8:15-30).

Listen for an invitation to identify with the sins of the people, repent and cry out for mercy.

We invite you to spend time throughout inviting God to reveal more of His character/heart (Exodus 34:6-7) and to teach us His ways.


Just as Paul exhorted Timothy “I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well” (1 Timothy 1:18), we invite you to remember (recall) the covenants, prophetic words and assignments God has given to your team corporately or to you personally in your journey of faith when He called you to be faithful to Him and serve Him in specific ways to fulfill His purposes on earth.


Likewise, there may be prophetic words, covenants and assignments for your people, city or nation which you remember and can realign with.

God has called YWAM as a stream within the Body of Christ and He has given us specific assignment to do our part in partnering with Jesus to fulfill His purposes. These have been recorded in our foundational vision, values ( and legacy words ( Prayerfully read through these and as you do so:

–Listen for affirmation from the Spirit about ways you are in alignment with the foundational vision, values and legacy words. Celebrate and give thanks for the joy of loving God and serving Him in this way.

–Listen for conviction from the Spirit about ways you are falling short or drifting. Repent and realign as appropriate.

–In this broader context, be sure to remember specific prophetic words or assignments God has spoken to you. Celebrate and give thanks for what has been fulfilled. Pray into what has yet to be fulfilled. Perhaps repent if needed and consider any areas of pruning and realignment that may be needed.


God is inviting us to present ourselves personally and together to receive a fresh impartation of faith, hope and anointing for this new season. Consider God’s invitation to you (team or personal). This is a time to agree with God with bold prayers and commitment to action in nations like never before.

–We invite you to ask God to affirm and expand/deepen ministries/assignments that are to continue and ask for a “double portion” of anointing along with a greater ability to do God’s work in ways that express His character.

–We invite you to ask God for a fresh assignment, something new, in light of the burden God carries for a people/nation/circumstance that has come to your attention.

–We invite you to request boldness in preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and testifying about the power of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 59:19, Acts 4:29-31).

–The Holy Spirit may want to set some ministries aside and have the people commissioned to new assignments (Acts 13:2-3).

Throughout this process, ensure there are no areas of unbelief, doubt, inferiority and fear in our lives that might hinder us from moving into a new level of faith and exploits.

Praying at YWAM Together Photo credit: YWAM Facebook

Take Action

  • Pray intentionally as noted by the Global Prayer Initiative.
  • Share on, post a picture and add a comment about how you prayed.
  • Go to; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time/post a picture. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • Send an email to letting us know how you prayed and what God revealed to you.
Photo credit:

How We Prayed

August 2020 – Fear of God

  • Sister A. prayed to have the fear of God and that God would reveal how to fear Him to her.
  • Several individuals sent personal prayer requests, many dealing with emotional challenges during this challenging time.
  • An individual from outside YWAM gave glory to God when he saw this topic. This same individual prayed that YWAM would be blessed through the Holy Spirit who is guiding us with every step.
Photo credit:

Future Topics:

  • October 8: YWAM’s 60th
  • November 12: Haiti
  • December 10: Loneliness

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

from Youth With A Mission

Scientific Meeting » NIMH Livestream Event: Suicide Prevention Strategies

In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, NIMH will host a livestream event on September 23, 2020, from 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. ET, to discuss the latest in suicide prevention research, including ways to identify risk, and effective prevention strategies.

from NIMH News Feed

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Audio » Dr. Robert Savoy: fMRI Master Educator

Dr. Peter Bandettini interviews Dr. Robert Savoy from Harvard Medical School about his experiences training thousands worldwide in the use of Functional Brain Imaging.

from NIMH News Feed

Friday, September 4, 2020

Blog Post » Why Testing is the Key to Getting Back to Normal

In this message, Dr. Gordon joins with 10 other NIH Institute Directors to highlight the importance and necessity of COVID-19 testing and the ways NIH is helping establish programs that will ensure access to and acceptance of rapid and reliable testing for COVID-19.

from NIMH News Feed

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Science News » Media Advisory: NIMH Researchers Available to Discuss Suicide Prevention

Experts from the National Institute of Mental Health are available to speak on topics related to suicide and suicide prevention, including the warning signs of suicide, suicide prevention methods, trends in suicide rates, how to find mental health help and support, and the latest in suicide prevention research.

from NIMH News Feed

Friday, August 21, 2020

Scientific Meeting » Report Out Session of the HIV-Related Intersectional Stigma Research Advances and Opportunities Workshop

Hear about the recent meetings of workgroups convened by NIH to focus on ways to advance HIV prevention and treatment science through advances and opportunities in HIV-related stigma research.

from NIMH News Feed

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Scientific Meeting » Virtual Workshop: Social Disconnection and Late-Life Suicide: Mechanisms, Treatment Targets, and Interventions

Suicide rates in older adults have risen more than 40% in the past 10 years and social disconnection is one of the primary risk factors. This virtual workshop will bring together clinician scientists, behavioral scientists, neuroscientists, geriatric psychiatrists, epidemiologists, and implementation scientists to discuss the current state of the science on social disconnection and suicide.

from NIMH News Feed

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Fear of God – Spiritual Principles From YWAM’s Early Days

In January we started the series Spiritual Principles from YWAM’s Early Days based on input from YWAM Leader Lynn Green and prayed about Seeking God (Loren Cunningham); Holy Living (Lynn Green), followed in February; and Lordship of Christ (Darlene Cunningham), in March. And then just days after praying about Lordship of Christ, YWAM leaders began sending students home due to the coronavirus pandemic and thus, we interrupted this series to pray for coronavirus related topics through July.

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you!

Listen to the Letter

We are happy to invite you this month to pray into the final topic in our Spiritual Principles from YWAM’s Early Days series: Fear of God. Our video features Ramona Musch (YWAM Atlanta) discussing fear of the Lord with Miranda Heathcote (YWAM Spain). Ramona was associated with the first YWAM school in Switzerland over 50 years ago and says that she started to understand fear of the Lord by seeing how YWAM’s founders Loren and Darlene Cunningham were willing to follow God even if it meant being misunderstood by man. Ramona sums up fear of the Lord as being more concerned with what God thinks of you than what others think Please watch the 21:24 minute video here: For a written summary of this video, please see below.

Please join us this month during The Invitation prayer day on Thursday, August 13 as we pray. If you only have a few moments, please pray that the Holy Spirit will touch the hearts of YWAMers as we pray and that we will better understand the Holy One and His will.

Fear of God
Photo credit:

Thank you for being part of The Invitation. We would love to receive stories from you regarding how you prayed. You can email us at

Additionally, we will soon be celebrating YWAM’s 60th anniversary. Drop us a note to let us know how you plan to celebrate that milestone or to tell us your favorite YWAM story.

Photo credit:

Prepare to Pray:

Begin with a quick read of Daniel 1:1-20.

Read and discuss:

  • Daniel 1:1-2
    • What emotions do you think the people of Israel had after these events took place?
  • Daniel 1:3-5
    • What were the people of Israel to be taught?
    • How does this relate to the world today?
    • Why do you think they were to stand before the king at the end of three years?
  • Daniel 1:6-8
    • Who was included in this group that were to be taught?
    • What did Daniel resolve? What ‘right’ did Daniel give up?
    • What might you resolve today? What ‘right’ might you give up?
  • Daniel 1:9-14
    • How did God respond to Daniel taking this stand?
    • What do you think Daniel’s relationship with God was like?
    • What was the concern of the chief of the eunuchs?
    • Who did the chief of the eunuch’s fear?
    • What do you think the chief’s relationship with God was like?
    • What was Daniel’s response to that concern?
    • In whom and/or what do you think Daniel had confidence in making this statement?
    • How did the chief of the eunuchs respond?
  • Daniel 1:15-16
    • What was the result?
    • Do you have any similar personal stories?
  • Daniel 1:17
    • What did God provide for these youth?
    • What does God provide for us today?
  • Daniel 1:18-20
    • They were now standing before the king as he had commanded 3 years ago:
    • What did the king see?
    • Do you think anyone was surprised by this? Who?
  • Application:
    • What might you take from this story of Daniel and his friends?
    • How does this story relate to our topic Fear of God?
    • Can you think of any other stories in the Bible that reflect a healthy fear of God?
    • If so, what ones?

Daniel chapter three provides another story of Daniel’s friends that represents fear of God. Read it if you have time and discuss.

Resolve to be like Daniel and others who fear God, not man.

I make a decree, that in all my royal dominion people are to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for he is the living God, enduring forever; his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end.

Daniel 6:26

Pray for YWAM:

  • As you pray, be aware of His presence. Ask Him to keep you in the state of being aware of His presence even after you finish this time of prayer. (Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” ESV)
  • Think of five characteristics of God. Write those down and thank Him. Ask Him to reveal other characteristics to you.
  • Praise God for the ways He has used YWAM leaders because they feared the Lord. Praise Him for how He has directed you in this area.
  • Ask the Lord to convict you of where you are more concerned with how others view you than how the Lord views you. Ask Him to take away the fear of man and replace it with proper fear of Him.
  • Thank God for the grace He has given you and for the love He has for you, in spite of Him knowing everything you do and think.
  • Ask God to teach you His ways. (Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. Psalm 86:11 ESV)
  • Ask God to show you how to fear Him.
  • Think about a particular aspect of His creation. Ask God to show you how big He is. (For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,[a]in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Romans 1:20 ESV)
  • Pray to be in alignment with God’s Word.
  • Pray for mentors who have more of a fear of God than you do.
  • Ask God to show you the value of fearing of God.
  • Thank God for His Son with whom you have a personal relationship. Thank Jesus, that you can trust Him with your life.
Photo credit:

Take Action

  • Train yourself to daily, even minute by minute, focus on His presence. Focus on what is going on in the spiritual world, blocking out noise from the physical world.
  • Read The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence.
  • Think of one “right” in your life that you want to give up and take steps to make it happen.
  • Put yourself in different settings: away from everyone in the woods, with very young children, large YWAM meeting, walking down the street, at a park, etc. Stop and look around you. Ask Him to show you how big He is. What characteristics do you see by observing His creation in different settings? Make a list and ponder it for several days.
  • Find a mentor that displays fear of God. Be a mentor to someone else.
  • Read None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing) and In His Image: 10 Ways God Calls Us to Reflect His Character, both by Jen Wilkin.
Photo credit:

How We Prayed

July 2020 – Seeking God During Coronavirus

  • YWAM Bangkok, Thailand – A YWAMer from Bangkok who was visiting relatives in Boston when the pandemic shut down borders shared that she is waiting to return and has heard much from the Lord. Psalm 12 and the word “crucible” was significant. She saw a vision while being still. It was the big Thai letter that means base or pedestal. She heard “Strengthen the bases you have.”
  • A Korean YWAMer also heard several messages including “the blind spots of this society are visible to Christians so we can share the pain and suffering together.”
  • Another woman asked for reconciliation and forgiveness during this time.
  • A husband prayed that he, his wife and his family would stay focused in seeking the Lord during the pandemic.
  • Another YWAMer prayed that the cross of Christ would be the center of YWAM.
Photo credit:

Future Topics:

  • September 10: YWAM’s 60th
  • October 8: Creation Care
  • November 12: Haiti

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

Summary of Ramona Musch’s Video:

Miranda Heathcote, who works with YWAM in Spain, began by introducing Ramona Musch, who is located in Atlanta, USA. Ramona was part of the first YWAM school in Switzerland more than 50 years ago and has been involved in YWAM ever since. Miranda asked Ramona to explain how she understands the fear of the Lord and how she has seen this principle guiding YWAM, and why that matters.

Ramona said, when she thinks of the fear of the Lord she thinks of continual awareness of the presence of God, how majestic He is. All our thoughts, words and actions lay open before Him.

She said that it was really Loren and Darlene Cunningham who taught her about the fear of the Lord. She came from the same denomination as they did. In that denomination the fear of the Lord was sometimes legalistic. You were afraid you would be condemned for going to a movie or using makeup. In YWAM she heard Loren and Darlene tell how they went to their denominational heads and told them they would like YWAM to be part of their denomination, but they wanted to work with other missionaries and other denominations. They were not given this permission.

Ramona said this taught her what the fear of the Lord meant, because she saw Loren and Darlene willing to follow God even if it meant being misunderstood or giving up their standing with their denomination. Loren and his father were quite high up in the denomination. “They were giving up their rights to their reputation and they were saying, ‘This is more important: What does God say?’”

Later, Joy Dawson introduced YWAM to a lot of the teaching on the fear of the Lord.

Miranda clarified that what Ramona said makes a distinction between a feeling of having to live by rules and a heart response to God that says, “His opinion of us and His directing of us is more important than anything else.”

Ramona told the story of the first YWAM ship, the Maori, and the repentance that took place about the pride of not following God about the timing. She had been involved in recruiting and fund raising for the vessel. She participated in the long prayer meetings that happened after Loren decided to give up the ship.

Ramona emphasized the importance of earnest, lengthy prayer meetings like this. Part of the fear of God, Ramona said, is to allow God to convict us of sin. “That takes time,” she said. “If you’re not listening, you’re not going to really know what God is thinking.”

She said the balance in the fear of God is to understand that God is a loving God but we are to be in awe of Him because He does see everything we do and what we think. He takes note, but “he has a lot of grace and a lot of love.”

Miranda said this gives us a bigger view of God. In our culture today we are often very concerned about how we look. She asked Ramona how she would ask us to pray about a renewal of fear of God today.

Ramona gave several suggestions:

Psalm 88:11: Ask God to teach us His ways.

Romans 1:20: Ask God, show me how to fear you. Take time to look at creation. “God, show me how big you are.”

Pray to be in alignment with God’s Word. “Please get into the Word. Know what the Bible says. That’s the best way to get into the fear of the Lord.” Ramona recalled that Joy Dawson prayed with so many adjectives about God. She would pray, “God you are so…” and she would list all those characteristics of God. As an 18-year old, Ramona would hear this prayer and she thought she didn’t have these adjectives because she didn’t really know God like Joy did.

Read the laws of God. What does the Bible say? Meditate on these things.

Pray for mentors who have more of a fear of God than we do. For Ramona, being around Joy Dawson and Loren and Darlene motivates her. She wants to be like them.

Ask God to show us the value of the fear of God. YWAMers might see the fear of the Lord as something they have to give up, their pride or relationships. They don’t understand that the fear of the Lord is that personal relationship with Jesus. “We can trust Him with our lives.” That motivates us even more. It’s something that makes us want to get to know Jesus better.

“And he takes away the fear of man. That’s what’s so exciting about the fear of the Lord. We don’t have to be concerned about what other people think of us, what our peers think of us. We are just more concerned with what does God think of us. It puts everything else in a blur and makes us focus on the Lord.”

from Youth With A Mission

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