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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Blog Post » Mental Health Research—Diversity Matters

In recognition of National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Dr. Gordon highlights efforts within the NIMH research portfolio to address disparities in mental health and access to care.

from NIMH News Feed

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Science News » Inflammation in Pregnant Moms Linked to Child’s Brain Development

High levels of maternal inflammation during pregnancy have been linked to effects in children, including reduced brain circuit communications and altered long-distance brain wiring at birth, poorer cognitive function at one year – and to reduced impulse control and working memory at two years.

from NIMH News Feed

Video » Maternal Inflammation and Baby’s Brain - Claudia Buss, Ph.D.

Researchers have pinpointed effects of inflammation in a pregnant mother on her young child’s developing brain.

from NIMH News Feed

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Finances and Faith, HIV Orphans Ministry, Sports in Missions

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Science News » “Covert” Neurofeedback Tunes-up the Social Brain in ASD

Young people with autism unknowingly tuned up flagging neural connections by playing a picture puzzle game that was rigged by their own brain activity.

from NIMH News Feed

Video » “Covert” Neurofeedback Tweaks Brain in ASD

Young people with autism unknowingly tuned up flagging neural connections by playing a picture puzzle game that was rigged by their own brain activity.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, July 16, 2018

Science News » New Toolkit Offers Ways to Evaluate Suicide Prevention Efforts in Arctic Communities

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), in collaboration with the Mental Health Innovation Network and other federal partners, has released the RISING SUN toolkit to help clinicians, communities, policymakers, and researchers measure the impact and effectiveness of suicide prevention efforts in rural and tribal communities.

from NIMH News Feed

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Science News » Predicting Suicide Attempts and Suicide Deaths Using Electronic Health Records

Researchers have developed a new prediction model that substantially outperforms existing self-report tools used to predict an individual’s risk of a suicide attempt or dying by suicide.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, July 9, 2018

Science News » Understanding Critical Components of the Brain’s Stress Circuitry

A new study has revealed more about the organization and function of a brain structure—the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus—that may serve a key role in linking stress detection to the development of adaptive behaviors.

from NIMH News Feed

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Foundational Values 7 – 9

Monday, July 2, 2018

YT 2018 – less than 70 days to go

Mobilization for Victory

Dear YWAM Family,

In Korea I have often heard my hosts for a meal say, “Do you want Airforce, Army or Navy?” Meaning, “do you want chicken, beef or seafood?”

At YT 2018, we may have all these 3 options and vegetarian available!

From a spiritual perspective we need the mobilisation of all 3 of these factors to be effective, and working together for breakthrough. Firstly, we need to win the battle in the unseen realm through prayer. Then to have people preparing the way on the ground in location (this is happening now). Lastly, we need those who would come from afar to bring fresh impetus and supplies to enable victory.


One intercessor writes: You are not just contending for an event but planting seeds deep into the soil of this nation, city and into YWAM for the future generations. Battles are won through the spirit of thanksgiving and praise instead of heaviness.

Would you & your team join us in being part of the airforce, praying His prayers with His heart over His people and stand in the gap for the fullness of God’s purposes to be revealed AT THIS TIME!

The leaders and elders are calling for a 21 Day of Prayer and Fasting before and or during the event. More will follow on this later.


A small team of YWAM Associates from TBN will be coming to the gathering to help and gather stories and testimonies from YWAMers working on the frontline across the world advancing God’s kingdom. We urge as many of you as possible to take advantage of this generous offer.

For this, we request 1-2 paragraphs relating your story, and you bringing images, videos (only good quality), sound/music track from your nations or the place you have gone to, to add to the dynamics of each interview.

Please fill in the following form if you have a story to share.

They hope to share the resulting content worldwide and also make it available to YWAM globally. If there are security issues for certain nations, they will make careful consideration of sharing those stories on a public basis.


We are encouraged by the spontaneous generosity of YWAM bases and individuals helping sponsor others to attend. If you know friends of YWAM who might be in a position to help sponsor those who are in need, yet desiring to come – please encourage them to do so.


This is for Area Circle Teams elders and leaders & senior leaders within the YWAM movement. You will need to stay through till 9pm on the 8th of September. Please make sure you have your accommodation booked if you are leaving on the 9th of September.

If you fit into that category or you sense that you’d like to be there, please fill out your information in the link below.

The YT convening team are encouraged by how things are coming together for YT and ‘Shine Pattaya’.

Just 3 months out from YT, 40 pastors and leaders met in Pattaya welcoming YWAM representatives. There was united prayer and a heart-felt embrace from the local Body of Christ to YT and to ‘Shine Pattaya’ on September 5.
A prophetic word from a visiting leader highlighted the impact that this outreach was going to have on Pattaya, Thailand and the world.
We are currently looking at around 250 teams being sent out during ‘Shine Pattaya’.

The opening session for YT on Sunday September 2, will be a special welcome for from the host nation of Thailand. We are delighted that there will be some key leaders joining us for this opening from the Thailand Body of Christ.

YT will be a feast of unity in diversity representing the YWAM Movement. Throughout the gathering there will be worship teams from many nations and translation in many languages.
We have scheduled YWAM Founders Loren & Darlene Cunningham to speak on the 2nd & 3rd nights of YT. Looking forward to having these living legends of faith, whose ongoing obedience we have all been blessed by.

We are in for a wonderful time together of celebration, worship, testimony and impartation of His Word and Life. Jesus has much in store for every person.

On behalf of the YT 2018 convening team,
David Cole

from Youth With A Mission

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