Latest News

Friday, June 29, 2018

Science News » Targeted E-Health HIV Invention Reduces STIs and Sexual Risk Behaviors

Findings from a new study suggest an electronically delivered HIV prevention intervention may be effective in reducing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and sexual risk behaviors in young men who have sex with men.

from NIMH News Feed

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Blog Post » Highlighting Services and Effectiveness Research at NIMH

Figuring out how best to deliver effective therapies is the domain of services research. Dr. Gordon offer examples of the spectrum of services research supported by NIMH.

from NIMH News Feed

Medical Relief in Shipping Container, Clean Water in Developing Communities, and more

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Science News » Intervention Shows Promise for Treating Depression in Preschool-Aged Children

Researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health have shown that a therapy-based treatment for disruptive behavioral disorders can be adapted and used as an effective treatment option for early childhood depression.

from NIMH News Feed

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Science News » Delay in HIV Treatment Associated with Brain Atrophy

People infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, known as HIV, display reductions in brain volume compared with people who are not infected with HIV, but now an NIMH-funded study has shed light on the course of this deterioration and shows that antiretroviral treatment started in the first few years of infection may stop these brain changes.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, June 11, 2018

Contemplative Prayer

Monday, June 4, 2018

Less Than 100 Days to YWAM Together!

It’s less than 100 days to go until YWAM Together (YT) begins.

We are so glad so many of you will be joining us on September 2. If you haven’t registered yet, please don’t delay to avoid disappointment. Registration will remain open until just before YT begins.

If you haven’t booked your accommodation yet, go online now to instructions on the YT2018 website.

Take advantage of the cheap prices, meal package & facilities which we have negotiated for you. Pay only the first nights accommodation now to make a reservation. Share a room to make it cheaper and stay onsite where YT is being held in, what will become a large global YWAM community for a week.


Many younger YWAMers in Asia have expressed to us how excited they are to be attending their first global YWAM gathering. They are eagerly looking forward to being with their global YWAM family and for many, seeing and hearing from Founders Loren & Darlene Cunningham for the first time.

For those of you have been in YWAM for many years and have been to many gatherings we are praying that you will be surprised and apprehended by the Lord God in new ways. God has ‘much more’ to reveal to you and exploits to be engaged in.

Recently as the YT convening team were meeting together online, Peter a senior elder in YWAM Myanmar, shared an impression he had in prayer. He saw people being touched deeply by the Holy Spirit before they arrived and as they travelled to Pattaya.

The Scripture the Lord has given repeatedly to us for YT2018 was Revelation 4:1 – ‘Come up here… and I will show you the things to come’. May we prepare to join our wider YWAM family with hearts child like, softened by God’s love and eager to meet with Him afresh.

Special Requests

If you need additional help due to any kind of disability, please let us know at on the YT2018 web-site and we will endeavor to match this with a person to assist.


The YT convening team is inviting as many as possible in the YWAM Movement to join in a 21 days of prayer and fasting in the lead up to YT2018.
More on this in a future update.


We are encouraged by the spontaneous generosity of YWAM bases and individuals helping sponsor others to attend. If you know friends of YWAM who might be in a position to help sponsor those who are in need, yet desiring to come – please encourage them to do so.

Special Area Circle Team (ACT) Meeting on Sept 8th for Elders and Leaders

This is for Area Circle Teams elders and leaders & senior leaders within the YWAM movement. You will need to stay through till 9pm on the 8th of September. Please make sure you have your accommodation booked if you are leaving on the 9th of September.

If you fit into that category or you sense that you’d like to be there, please fill out your information in the link below.

Requesting Elders and Leaders to Host Roundtables

RoundTables will be an opportunity for small groups of YWAMers to meet and chat with more experienced elders or leaders about life, ministry and leadership. As an elder or leader in YWAM, you are invited to contribute to these meaningful sessions.

Please click on the following link to access a short sign-up form for your participation, as well as a more detailed info sheet on the RoundTables sessions.

We have 160 leaders signed up so far and need at least 600!

To read more about this request:

Invitation to Elders & Leaders to host a Roundtable

Call for Volunteers during the Gathering

Volunteers are an essential part of running events like YWAM Together 2018 efficiently. Volunteering is also an opportunity to actively model the heart of Christ and the values of YWAM as we serve each other.

Would you please consider helping?

There are a multitude of categories available to exercise your talents. If you know are able to help, please complete this online form. You just need to fill in your information, and check the list to choose your 1st, 2nd and 3rd preferences to help before submitting. Volunteering is also an opportunity to actively model the heart of Christ and the values of YWAM as we serve each other.

NOTE: You would need to be coming for the conference and registered.

Pre & Post YT 2018 Outreach

“Spread the Light” 2018 Asian Games Outreach – Indonesia (Pre-Gathering)

  • Consider bringing a team or being part of the Asian Games Outreach August 14 – September 4th in Indonesia.

Keep Shining Pattaya (Post Gathering)

  • The dates are September 9-12th, 2018.

For more information on both of these outreaches, please go to the YWAM Together 2018 website.

On behalf of the YT 2018 convening team,
David Cole

from Youth With A Mission

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