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Friday, February 17, 2017

Connie Kunkle Memory Walk and Celebration of Life

Connie Kunkle, best known for being an on-air host on Evine (formerly ShopNBC) was diagnosed with FTD in 2015 and passed away in 2016. Her closest friends and family have planned a Memory Walk and Celebration of Life in her memory centralized around a very special place to Connie, Lake Eola in Orlando, FL. All are welcome to attend the Memory Walk and walk in honor or memory of a love one who is or has suffered from anything, not just FTD. Please see the details below for more information on the events.

Memory Walk:

Celebration of Life:

Contact AFTD’s Grassroots Events Coordinator, Bridget Graham with any questions:

from Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Generic (Scientific) » Addendum: NIMH Conference on Mental Health Services Research: Harnessing Science to Strengthen the Public Health Impact

The National Institute of Mental Health hosted the 23rd Conference on Mental Health Services Research (MHSR) with the theme, “Harnessing Science to Strengthen the Public Health Impact.”

from NIMH News Feed

Concept Clearance » HIV Healthcare Systems Approaches to Improve Viral Suppression (HH-SAIVS)

The purpose of this initiative is to identify, develop, and test healthcare system interventions, or healthcare delivery changes, that could improve human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) viral suppression.

from NIMH News Feed

Concept Clearance » Mobile and Connected Health Interventions to Improve Care Continuum and Health Outcomes among Youth with HIV

The goal of this initiative is to develop and test the next generation of interventions delivered through mobile health (mHealth) technology to improve testing, linkage to care, retention in care, and antiretroviral therapy (ART) medication adherence among youth living with human immunodeficiency virus (YLWH).

from NIMH News Feed

Concept Clearance » Altered Neural Pathways, Receptors and Networks in HIV-induced CNS Dysfunction

The goal of this initiative is to encourage research on understanding altered neuronal networks and pathways in HIV-1 induced central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction in the context of viral suppression and antiretroviral therapy (ART), by utilizing novel research models and diagnostic tools to bridge the gap between pathogenesis research and observed clinical outcomes.

from NIMH News Feed

AFTD Employment Opportunity: Chief Financial Officer

AFTD is recruiting for a newly-created Chief Financial Officer position. Please share widely this opportunity to play a pivotal leadership role in the organization’s work to drive research to a cure, and improve quality of life for all affected by FTD.

from Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration

Friday, February 10, 2017

Science News » Sleep May Trim Neural Connections to Restore Learning Ability

Sleep may be the price we pay for the ability to learn. It streamlines neural connections for optimal efficiency.

from NIMH News Feed

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Blog Post »

Dr. Gordon explains how computational and theoretical neuroscience can advance research into mental disorders.

from NIMH News Feed

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Science News » Revealed: LSD Docked in its Human Brain Target

Scientists have discovered the molecular structure of LSD in its human brain receptor.

from NIMH News Feed

Imperfectly Perfect Jewelry and With Love

Not long after her mom was diagnosed with FTD in 2014, Wendy started designing and making fashionable yet functional medical bracelets to help with communication issues common to the disease. Imperfectly Perfect Jewelry will be participating in With Love this year, in a special way. During the month of February, Imperfectly Perfect Jewelry will donate $5 to AFTD for every piece of jewelry purchased. Please click here to shop.

from Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Seeking God for Supernatural Growth

YWAM began with a vision of growth. A young man, Loren Cunningham, saw a mental picture of wave after wave of young people covering the continents. YWAM has grown dramatically since then.

A few years ago, YWAM received two more messages about growth, prophetic pictures of YWAM growing ten-fold, from 20,000 to 200,000 missionaries. YWAM’s leaders prayed about these words and sensed they were from God, and in keeping with a consistent theme throughout the Bible. Said Lynn Green, one of YWAM’s leaders, “Growth is just intrinsic to the kingdom of God. So growth should be a part of anything that is being done in obedience to God.”

For the next three months of 2017, we invite you to join us for The Invitation, YWAM’s global prayer day, and pray with us about supernatural growth. Throughout the month of February, and particularly on the prayer day on February 8, we invite you to ask God, do these messages about ten-fold growth apply to me and my community? If so, how?

To better understand what this prayer could look like, watch this video from Lynn Green, prepared specifically for The Invitation in February (for a transcript of the video, see below):

Then, after you pray, if you sense God giving you a vision about growth please share it with us. You can do so by emailing us.

YWAM Papua New Guinea Group

YWAM Medical Ships expands in Papua New Guinea to build a youth training campus in Alotau

In March, we will pray for these faith goals as well as for other global goals in YWAM that seek supernatural increase.

Then in April The Invitation will again focus on growth, specifically on persecution that often accompanies growth and expansion.

As we begin this season of prayer for increase, consider this promise from the apostle Paul: “He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness” (1 Corinthians 9:10).

As you prepare to pray:

  • If possible, try to set aside at least 30 minutes to quietly listen for God’s leading.
  • Watch the video of Lynn Green speaking on “Praying for Growth through The Invitation”.
  • Meditate on scripture that gives you insight into God’s perspective on expansion and growth. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7: “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” Matthew 9:37-38: “Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’” Matthew 13: The Parable of the Sower and the Parable of the Mustard Seed. John 15:1-17: The vine and the branches. Genesis 12:1-3: God’s covenant with Abraham. Acts 2 with focus on Acts 2:47: “…praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
  • Discuss: What has God already said to you about growth?
YWAM Perth Building

A YWAM Perth building helps with growing numbers

Then seek God for supernatural growth:

  • Pray for God to give you confidence about growth and that He would take away any fear associated with growth.
  • Ask God to show you if you have any pride, unrighteousness or sin to repent of before God can entrust you with growth. Take time to listen. Respond to what you hear.
  • Ask God to show you if these words to YWAM about growth apply to you and your location. Again, take time to listen.
  • If so, ask God to reveal what He would like this growth to look like. You could ask specifically about locations, spheres, ministries, people groups, partnerships, etc. Again, take an extended time to seek God’s voice.
  • If you are praying in a group, give time for each person to report what they have sensed from God. Then pray over what you hear.
  • Pray for God to reveal to you and your location the action that needs to be taken now to achieve His vision for your location. Also pray for God to sustain the energy and enthusiasm for growth year after year.
YWAM Harpenden DTS

YWAM Harpenden, UK, celebrates a season of training and growth

Along with your prayer, these action steps can help you understand growth better and can help you take steps forward in what you believe God is leading you to do:

  • Watch the video from the University of the Nations Workshop in 2013 where Bruce Wilkinson challenged the group to “never be satisfied with results that do not require the intervention of God” (start at 20:15; challenge at 2:04:04).
  • Read “Letter from Loren, Part 2” on growth.
  • Read David Hamilton’s “Preparing YWAM Leadership Structures” regarding preparing for 2020 and beyond.
  • Review YWAM’s foundational values and consider how they are the guiding principles for future growth.
  • Conduct a retreat. Depending on where your location is at regarding visioning and planning for growth, use the suggestions for this month as a guide for your time of prayer and goal setting together.
  • Share the vision for growth God gives you with ministry partners from your church and other organizations. Encourage them to pray for you and encourage them to seek God regarding ten-fold growth for themselves.
  • Please email us with your vision, faith goals and prayer requests about growth so we can include your requests and goals in The Invitation for March.

How We Prayed

In January 2017, The Invitation focused on Unity – Building Bridges. Here are some of the prayer reports we received:

  • YWAM Kona, Hawaii prayed during their morning intercessory time. Among other topics, they were led to pray for unity with the persecuted church so that they would see many Muslims come to Jesus.
  • In response to the second-Thursday post about The Invitation, there was a lively conversation on YWAM’s Facebook page about unity. In the discussion, one YWAMer cited Ephesians 4:1-6.
  • YWAM Tbilisi, Georgia reported on Facebook that they had a great time praying for unity among themselves, missions groups and all denominations of churches. They also noted there is much division on this topic and if we want to win their region for Christ we must come together.
  • A woman in Central Asia provided a description of a vision God has given her regarding many Muslims coming to faith only when there is unity and humility of the wider church.

Don’t Miss The Invitation

The Invitation LogoFuture topics for The Invitation:

  • March 9, 2017 Growth: Global
  • April 13, 2017 Growth: Persecution
  • May 11, 2017 Spiritual Formation

Here’s how to participate:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. On, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the post on the second Thursday on YWAM’s Facebook page.
  • Follow YWAM on Twitter; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time or post a picture.
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us.


Transcript of Video: Lynn Green on Praying for Growth

Lynn Green: The Invitation to pray for this month of February is about growth.

Now growth is just an intrinsic part of the kingdom of God. That is implied through all of Scripture, but there’s one picture in particular that I love. It’s that dream that God gave king Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2 and Daniel interpreted it. And there is in that dream a stone that is cut out of the side of the mountain without the aid of any human agency, no hands. And the stone strikes the oppressive statue of the kingdom of mankind and the statue crumbles and the wind blows it away. And the stone grows and grows and grows until it becomes a mountain that covers the entire earth. That’s such a good picture of the kingdom.

So growth should be a part of anything that is being done in obedience to God. But, God speaks specific things to us to stimulate our faith. And I want to remind you of two things that God has said to YWAM:

  • First of all, the original covenant, the initial covenant that gave birth to YWAM, the map of the world with the waves that God showed Loren in 1956, waves of young people. It was wave after wave after wave, then it’ll stop, there may be a time where the water level goes down a bit, but then it gets higher, it gets higher, and I believe that we are ready for another big wave.
  • But more than that, starting several years ago God brought us a word from a prophetic teacher in YWAM about 200,000 new missionaries. And then, at the same time, a pastor who none of us knew very well wrote to Loren and said God had given him a word about ten-fold growth. And because we were around 20,000 at the time those are really strong, confirming words. And we all prayed about it and felt “yes” to that and we don’t want to lose sight of that.

So that’s why this Invitation is about growth. Because when God says “growth,” what He wants us to do, whenever He gives us a prophetic word like that, is to test it, which we’ve done, and then say “Amen” and believe it and start acting in accordance with it.

So the challenge for every YWAM location that is praying into this month’s Invitation is:

  • What is God saying to you about growth?
  • What would it be like to be 10 times as large, not all in one location, but for say 50 people, what would it be like to grow to 500? How many other locations should you be planting out? What other nations are you called to? What are your circuits?

So, during this time, I’d like to think that everybody in YWAM would be able to pray with confidence that God has spoken and said He wants us to grow.

So then we would say: “How?”

  • Does it have to do with all the spheres?
  • Does it have to do with the great Chinese missions movement?
  • Or the growth of the body of Christ in India?
  • Or somewhere in Africa?
  • Or all of the above?

What part does God have for us to play and to believe Him for, for this growth that will lead to, in the end, hundreds of thousands of new people added to the missions force? And YWAM can continue to play the role that God has for us.

So, may the Lord give you confidence that He has spoken to us about growth and lead you specifically to set goals for growth that He’s given you that you can hang on to by faith and see it come to pass. God bless you as you pray.

from Youth With A Mission

Running the Chicago Marathon for Laura

Daniel Ranti is running in the 2017 Bank of America Chicago Marathon on October 8, 2017 in honor of his mom, Laura who has FTD. He is fundraising on Crowdrise to benefit AFTD in the months leading up to his race. Dan has already raised more than half of his $5,000 goal with the help of his generous supporters! Please click here to view his fundraiser and follow his story as he prepares to run 26.2 miles to #endFTD.

from Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration

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