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Monday, August 29, 2016

Pray for Universities

As the university school year begins in many places, we invite you to pray for universities. Specifically, pray for university students near you and for YWAM’s campus ministries around the world. YWAM has more than 90 campus ministry locations in countries across the world, such as Nicaragua, Tanzania, and Cambodia.

University World News reported in 2012 that the total number of students around the globe enrolled in higher education was expected to double to 262 million by 2025. Many of these students come from restricted-access nations. They are tomorrow’s world leaders.

Reaching Students at Sunchon National University in South Korea

Reaching Students at Sunchon National University in South Korea

According YWAM campus ministry workers in Madison, Wisconsin, “The university is a key doorway for the Body of Christ to reach and teach the nations – especially through ministry to international students from creative access nations.”

To get a picture of campus ministry in YWAM, see YWAM Thailand’s university ministry page (pick Campus Ministries from the menu on the right), or view YWAM Madison’s campus ministry, or watch this video of a young man who came to Christ through YWAM Boston’s campus ministry.

Also, take a moment to think about universities in your area, and ministries to university students that you might know about. Most likely, many students near you come from countries far away. To get a picture of international student mobility, take a look at this interactive map. It shows where students go and where they come from in each country of the world.

Pray for Universities

Pray for universities and students near you

  • Pray for access to the Bible for all university students.
  • Pray for university professors and staff and that they would come to know the Lord and develop a biblical worldview.
  • Pray for college students to make time for worship and ask that our Father would grant them rich times with Him.
  • Pray for wisdom for university students to do well on tests, papers and projects and bring glory to the Lord.
  • Pray for solid relationships between students and their parents and for a heart of obedience when students are home.
  • Pray for healthy relationships for university students and that believing students would shine the light for unbelievers.
  • Pray for purity in thought, word and deed.
  • Pray for students to embrace God’s will for their lives.
  • Pray that the whole campus from the powerless to the powerful be reached with the whole gospel.
  • Pray for a biblical worldview to permeate universities through: discipleship schools, small group Bible studies, seminars, and conferences.
  • Pray that God would raise students who receive Christ today into future leaders in their nation.
  • Pray for the planting of campus fellowships and churches amongst the most unreached immigrant people groups and international students in universities. Pray that those students would be empowered to reach their own people throughout the world.
  • As a community, pray for God to reveal opportunities for campus based ministry in your local area.
YWAM Mongolia's university student ministry

YWAM Mongolia’s university student ministry

Pray also for YWAM’s Campus Ministries:

  • Pray for YWAM’s Student Mobilization Centre. The mission of the Student Mobilization Centre is to mobilize university students of all nations on every campus worldwide to God’s purposes for their lives in knowing Him and making Him known through their life’s work.
  • Pray for potential student interns and YWAM locations to be linked together through YWAM’s Converge service. Converge is an online missions mobilization tool, a searchable registry of internship opportunities.
  • Pray for the equipping of new YWAM missionaries through focused training schools, such as the School of University Ministries & Missions.
  • Pray that many respond to Christ’s call to universities around the world.


Take action, and get involved with university ministry near you:

  • Engage university communities both near you and in other countries. Mobilize students to serve and learn about issues of poverty, disease, illiteracy, impure water, human trafficking, domestic violence, drug abuse, homelessness, at risk youth, etc.
  • Reach out to international students at a university near your YWAM location.
  • Set aside a regular time to prayer walk at local universities.
  • Pursue opportunities to partner with YWAM campus ministries. Invite a university ministry team to your location for ministry orientation or host a university ministry seminar at your base to learn how to interact with universities.
  • Sign up as a host with YWAM’s Converge service to get pre-qualified student interns for your YWAM ministry.
  • Share on YWAM’s Facebook page, post a picture and add a comment about how you prayed.
  • Follow YWAM on Twitter; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time or post a picture.

Don’t Miss The Invitation

Upcoming Prayer Topics:

  • October 13 – A Year of Answered Prayer
  • November 10 – Spheres of Society

How to connect with The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. On, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us.

The Invitation Logo





from Youth With A Mission

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Meeting Announcement » Transcranial Electric Stimulation: Mechanisms, Technology and Therapeutic Applications

This one and a half day workshop will focus on critically assessing the use and potential of noninvasive neuromodulation techniques (specifically tDCS, tACS, and tRNS), and will identify research needs for optimizing protocols and further developing therapeutic applications.

from NIMH News Feed

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Science News » Designer Agent Blocks Pain in Mice Without Morphine’s Side Effects

Scientists have synthesized a molecule with a unique profile of highly specific pain-relieving properties and demonstrated its efficacy in mice.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, August 15, 2016

Science News » How “Quickly Forgotten” Early Life Experiences Mature the Brain

Brain memory circuitry’s keen sensitivity to experience during an early critical period enables long-term memory ability to develop through practice.

from NIMH News Feed

Friday, August 12, 2016

Science News » Schizophrenia, Autism Risk Gene Trajectories Point to Shared Causes

Schizophrenia, autism risk gene trajectories point to shared causes

from NIMH News Feed

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Brain Atrophy Patterns Support Distinct Subtypes of Frontotemporal Dementia

FTD Symptoms range from sluggish apathy to obsessive compulsion, and numerous genetic mutations and neuropathologies can underlie each person’s disease. Variation in behavioral symptoms may be explained by degeneration of specific neural networks, according to a study published in the July 18 JAMA Neurology. Researchers led by Bruce Miller at the University of California, San Francisco, reported that some atypical social behaviors—including recklessness and failure to pick up on common social cues—correlated with specific patterns of neurodegeneration in two different neural networks in the brain, while other behaviors showed no such relation. Read the entire Alzforum article here.

from Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration

Knowing When it’s Alzheimer’s, and When it’s Not

The trouble started in 2010 when Dennis Krupinski was just 53. A longtime employee in Walt Disney World’s maintenance department, he started losing things and forgetting about tasks. He seemed distracted, confused. After a major mishap at work, his wife, Terri, encouraged him to see a doctor. Read more about their story here.

from Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration

A Rare Form of Dementia Slowly Took My Husband and Made Me a Widow at 36. But These 9 Words Changed How I Lived

Mother of four children and FTD advocate, Tia Singer Willin, tells her harrowing story about how FTD took the life of her husband, Ryan, at the young age of 38. She explains in heartbreaking detail how his personality drastically changed, and no one could accurately diagnose what was causing his erratic behavior. All of the years trying to figure out what was wrong, she and her family lost valuable time. Read her story here.

from Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration

When Dementia Isn’t Alzheimer’s – FTD Awareness

Recently published on, writer and caregiver Sharon Hall explained that not all dementia is Alzheimer’s and challenges readers to join in the fight to increase FTD awareness. Read her powerful story here.

from Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration

Using Film to Educate and Inspire

AFTD Volunteer and FTD advocate Katie Brandt lost her husband to FTD in 2012 when he was only 33 years old. After various advocacy efforts, including presenting at the State House and Capitol Hill, Katie decided to take her efforts to a new level and produce a 5-minute film titled, Love Is Out There, which received the runner-up prize at the American Academy of Neurology’s (AAN) Neuro Film Festival. Read more here.

from Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pray for YWAM’s Big Gathering

At the beginning of September, the YWAM family will gather in a way it has never gathered before. Not only YWAM’s workers but also YWAM’s students, alumni and friends of YWAM are all invited to come. It promises to be one of the largest and most inclusive gatherings in YWAM’s history. The participants will consider what it means to see God’s purposes in all the spheres of society: family, economics, government, religion, education, celebration, and media.

Worship-YWAM-CrowdThe event will happen from September 4 through 10 in Kansas City, USA. It’s called YWAM Together and there is still time to sign up if you want to come. Just go to the YWAM Together website and register.

You are also invited to pray with YWAM for our big event. The focus of YWAM’s global prayer day for August, called The Invitation, is the YWAM Together gathering. You can pray with us on the prayer day, August 11, or on any other day that works for you or your community.

The Significance of This Gathering

Our international YWAM gatherings have always been times of seeking God’s face, hearing fresh words from Him, allowing our hearts to encounter Him, renewing and establishing friendships and gaining new vision for our individual and corporate roles in discipling nations. Repeatedly the Lord has challenged our hearts and led us corporately to covenant with Him on issues on His heart when we have gathered before Him. Over the last two years in particular, these events have gathered momentum and brought us together to new places in Him.

YWAM Together Kansas City 2016 LogoHeading to the YWAM Together gathering in Kansas City in September we sense many streams are converging. Representatives of the whole tribe of YWAM, YWAM alumni, and partners in prayer and mission all will come together to seek the Lord and His global purposes for us. This will indeed be a holy convocation if we are humble and seek His face.

To that end, whether you are able to attend or not, we invite you to join us in focused prayer leading up to and during the gathering.

We invite you to pray for:

1) Presence of God

In 2014 at a YWAM leadership gathering in Singapore, participants sensed God speaking about seeking God and His presence above all else.


  • That this will be a time when God deals with His people and that we may have revelation and grace to know how to live godly lives in a post-modern world with a clear conscience (2 Peter 1:3-8).
  • That the entire gathering will be marked by God’s presence, and that we will hear the word of the Lord, especially as we face sobering challenges of discipling the nations in the critical times we live in.
  • That prophetic discernment will be clear leading up to and during the event.
  • That God would have His way among us. Pray that the event will be well-planned, but that we would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He wants to redirect us or change the order of the agenda.

2) YWAM Family


  • That YWAMers will fully recognize the value of maintaining relationship and partnering with their alumni, the ones who are currently active in the discipling of nations in all seven spheres. (For more information, see this page on spheres of society.)
  • That YWAM staff and YWAM associates will be “family” as we reach and disciple the nations and take the Kingdom into the spheres.
  • That the missions movement and the prayer movement will connect and synchronize more than ever.

3) Spheres


  • For revelation, insight and unity as sphere groups come together.
  • That we will grow in our understanding of the power of influence and authority given to the spheres of society.
  • That participants will receive greater clarity in their roles in various spheres.
  • That our appreciation of the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit would grow as we apply God’s Word to the whole of life.

4) Delegates


  • For a sense of family and of belonging—for all nations and all generations.
  • For preparation of hearts. For a heart of humility, prayer, fear of the Lord, and a willingness to change where necessary.
  • For grace and unity as many expressions of delegates working in prayer, missions, business, government, and education converge.
  • For those who are unable to attend to still to be able to connect through prayer, friendship and watching the event on live stream.
  • For safety in travel arrangements, and for visas for those who need them.
  • That all would encounter the Lord and many would receive greater clarity for God’s call on their lives.
  • For the full complement of delegates to be released.
  • For children and teenagers to be transformed through the children’s program.

5) Leadership


  • For unity in the event eldership (Founders’ Circle members, plenary speakers, conveners).
  • For guidance for the conveners of various spheres and breakout sessions.
  • Pray for David Hamilton and others who are preparing resources.

6) Logistics


  • For the Kansas City team as they host and prepare for us—especially Mark and Karen Anderson and Barb Livingston as they coordinate logistics.
  • For teams going to Kansas City to assist in running the event, pray for grace, energy, smooth communication, joy and a heart to serve.
  • Pray for the full release of resources—finances, equipment, hospitality.

Take Action:

To register for YWAM Together, or to watch the live streaming, go to

How We Prayed

On last month’s prayer day, YWAM focused on refugees – July 14, 2016:

  • One YWAM team member had just returned from ministering at the border of Macedonia and Thessaloniki, Greece serving Syrian, Iraqi, Yazidi and Kurdish refugees and encouraged readers on Facebook to pray for and serve refugees.
  • The following YWAM locations reported that they prayed for refugees: Minneapolis, USA; South Korea; Hong Kong; Buka Island, Papua New Guinea; Lapu-Lapu City Cebu, Philippines; Quezon City, Philippines; Las Vegas, NV USA; Papua New Guinea; Pernambuco, Brazil; Greenville, SC USA; Tanzania; Nigeria; Germany; Redding, CA USA; Cody, WY USA; Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil; Bass Lake, Gowen, MI USA; and Ceará, Brazil.

Don’t Miss The Invitation

Upcoming topics for The Invitation:

  • September 8 – Universities
  • October 13 – A Year of Answered Prayer

Don’t miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. On, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us.

The Invitation Logo



from Youth With A Mission

Science News » NIMH Grantees Named Recipients of Prestigious Kavli Prize

Three NIMH grantees have been named recipients of the 2016 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience.

from NIMH News Feed

Monday, August 1, 2016

Science News » Tapping Crowd-Sourced Data Unearths a Trove of Depression Genes

Scientists have discovered 15 genome sites – the first ever – linked to depression in people of European ancestry. But – in a twist – the researchers didn’t have to sequence anyone’s genes! Instead, they analyzed data already shared by people who had purchased their own genetic profiles via an online service and elected to participate in its research option.

from NIMH News Feed

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